Property investors love Fee Certainty – here’s why
Lower Fees
89% of investors pay more than $35 per week in property management fees. Instantly improve your return with our fixed fee pricing model.
Transparent pricing
The time a property manager spends on a property isn’t determined by the rent it generates and neither should their fees. Fee Certainty keeps your fees low and fair.
Egoless management
Ever wondered why so many property managers drive flashy cars? They're funded the huge fees they charge you. We are proudly Lexus free.
Our property management has got you covered
Our property management has got you covered
Certainty | Other Agents | |
Routine inspections |
Lease preparation |
Lease renewal |
Online portal for owners |
Online portal for tenants |
Maintenance and repairs |
Monthly administration |
Sundries |
EOFY statements |